Friday, July 31, 2009

So this is my new blog

I'm not new to blogging - I've had blogs before - but this blog itself is new. I think the writing class I'm taking is getting me more in the mood to write regularly. My assignments are done for this week and I wrote another thousand words on my short story so now I'll write here. I don't know if anyone will actually read this, but I'll do my best not to be boring.

I'm working on several things this summer - the class, my writing, my knitting, my photography, even my computers - I'm finally cleaning those up! It's hard to believe how much they become like closets. I'm decluttering my house, my apartment and now my computers. I want my life clean and simple.

Maybe it's because a birthday is approaching. I feel a need to have everything in order. Or maybe it's just growing up.